When I was in high school I was obsessed with Sailor Moon! I wanted to be her: fight bad guys... have cosmic powers... date Tuxedo Mask!!
Sailor Moon is pretty much all I know about anime. Imagine my surprise to find out that I have not just one, but TWO Anime Clubs that I'm in charge of at the library! I have one for teens and one for adults. I usually dread the days this club meets. It's not that I don't enjoy the anime. I'm just not in my milieu (and oh boy is it obvious!).
Lucky for me, my boyfriend watches A LOT of anime. He's helping me expand my horizons and my anime "street cred". Today was the first meeting we had where I actually felt like I could almost/sort of/maybe hang. It was a nice feeling!! I could take part in some of the conversations and actually sound informed.
This is a picture of the screener we watched at the meeting. Thanks Dave for the recommendation!
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