Dave and I went to the movies with some friends tonight. My favorite thing about the Ritz movie theater has to be the posters! I saw this one and I just whipped out my camera!
No need for a Walk of Shame, my lady. Bring out your Strut of Pride...
Breaking the librarian stereotype... (A Project 365 Photo Blog)
Sooooo... I ordered an anime from Netflix to show to my Teen Anime Club today... but then realized that I had put that anime in the #2 spot in my queue... and that I had Transporter 3 in my #1 spot instead. Son of a gun!
Luckily Dave lent me Trigun to show my club today. It had lots of action (which the boys liked) and it was funny (which the girls liked) so all in all, it was a great club meeting today!
Thanks, Dave!
Okay. Maybe not. But it's still one really cute cake. This is my mom's Bunni ("with an i") Cake that she made for Easter dessert. It might not look like much, but I'm excited. I love cake... especially cake with pink icing. Nom!
It's finally starting to feel like spring! The flowers are blooming in my mom's garden (please notice the lovely daffodil) and I started trying on sundresses tonight! Now all I need is for this wind to go away and the temperature to raise another 20 degrees and life will be perfect...
That's my parents' roof... and that's my lil brother on it! Eeeks!
Don't worry though, folks! He is a professional! Really. I swear.
My parents are paying my brother to put a new roof on the house for them and he started working on it today. I think it's so cool watching him work. I'm not exactly scared of heights... but there's no way I could climb around the roof without some kind of harness or safety net! No way, Jose!
I'll have to take a picture of the finished project, but as of right now the roof is looking pretty darn great!