Happy Halloweenie, everyone!
Growing up, we never decorated our house for Halloween so I always get excited when I see houses all done up. This is my boyfriend's son's neighbor's (whew!) ghost... floating around the front yard.
Breaking the librarian stereotype... (A Project 365 Photo Blog)
Happy Halloweenie, everyone!
Growing up, we never decorated our house for Halloween so I always get excited when I see houses all done up. This is my boyfriend's son's neighbor's (whew!) ghost... floating around the front yard.
Check out all of this glorious "movable" furniture for our library's teen space! We got beanbags, game rockers, zebra printed chairs, etc... All for my lovely lil teens!
I can't wait to be able to put in the room! Our grand opening is December 9th! Wheeeee!
Oh Justin. This is why you rock! Some days, he's part of my bodygaurd patrol. Other days, he dresses up like a chicken for our library Halloween Parade. He is the best... and always good for a chuckle!
Yay Justin!
You know what's amazing? When you don't think something is possible to the point where it keeps you up at night stressing.... and then... BAM! Suddenly everything works out!!!
Part of the grant requirement for our Teen Space is having gaming equipment. Easy enough, right? Wrong! We needed a vendor that would take a purchase order. After almost a year of looking, we finally found one... and his quote was perfect! The Corner will now have a Wii and an XBox 360 Elite. SHAZAM!
UGH! Today I got my first moving violation EVER! =( 10 years of perfect driving and now I have points on my record. It hurts. Oh man, does it hurt!
Today was stressful. Crazy long meetings, crazy library patrons, crazy gym classes... It was not a good day. I came home and had a good cry. Dave, obviously feeling all of my misery, decided to treat me some delicious Chinese take out to ease my sorrow. He is truly the best.
Is this Dave's couch? NOOOOO! It's Chloe's couch! And to prove it, she will sit on your head! Seriously though... what's with animals wanting to sit on Dave's head?